Do you have questions about Long-Term Care services that may be available to you in the community? Do you need help paying for care for yourself or a loved one?
ElderSource’s Long-Term Care Services Unit can answer your questions and help you with your specific long term care needs. The Long-Term Care Services Unit is a group of knowledgeable specialists trained to help you with the following:

- Connect you with appropriate Long-Term Care services and supports available in our area;
- Assess your Long-Term Care needs for waitlist placement;
- Answer your Long-Term Care questions;
- Provide you with counseling regarding Long-Term Care options;
- Make referrals within or outside the agency if needed; and if appropriate, assist with the waitlist release and Medicaid eligibility process for the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program.*
To make a referral for yourself or someone you know, please see below for referral options available to you.
Call 1(800)963-5337 and speak with an Elder Helpline Specialist.
Call 1(800)963-5337 and listen for the prompt which asks if you would like to be screened for Medicaid Long-Term Care Services.
*Note: Our ability to assist with the Medicaid eligibility process is subject to available funding for this program.
Please see the FAQs and links below for more information about the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program.
Long-Term Care Frequently Asked Questions
What types of services are covered under Long-Term Care, (LTC)?
The services provided under LTC are made available to help seniors with tasks of everyday living, such as personal care, housekeeping services, home delivered meals, transportation to doctor appointments, and/or respite for caregivers. Services can be provided in the home as well as in an assisted living setting.
How do I get evaluated for funded LTC services?
A member of ElderSource LTC team will talk with you over the phone to complete an assessment, which will determine your eligibility for services. Then, you will most likely be placed on the Wait List for services.
If I am put on the Wait List, when can I expect to begin receiving services?
That depends on several factors, including your priority level, which is based on your needs, and the availability of funds for services.
Once I am approved to receive services, what’s next?
Depending on the program(s) you qualify for, ElderSource or one of our partner agencies in the community will work with you to coordinate the services you need to remain living in the community.
Do I have to qualify for Medicaid in order to access Long-Term Care services?
Some of our services require Medicaid eligibility, but others do not. Those that do not have Medicaid eligibility requirements are based on such other factors as your age and physical needs.
Is there a cost or co-pay associated for LTC services?
Depending on the program and your monthly income, there may be a small co-pay associated with receiving services.
Important Resources and Information
General Information about Home and Community Based Services Administered by the Department of Elder Affairs:
Department of Elder Affairs Programs and Services
Summary of Programs and Services
General Information about Medicaid Services available through the Department of Children and Families:

Specific Information about the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long Term Care:
- Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program
- Statewide Medicaid Managed Care
- Long Term Care Snapshot
Specific Information for obtaining Medicaid coverage for nursing home care: