2023 County Profiles of Older Floridians

County Profiles of Older Floridians can be used as a source of current information related to seniors in each of the counties that ElderSource serves, as well as our service area as a whole. Topics include the current and future population of older adults, the prevalence of older adults who experience financial and housing issues, the array of health and medical resources, and information related to disasters. As Florida’s older adult population grows, awareness of these issues is needed to ensure that elders continue to be vital participants in their communities.

PSA 4 Profile

2023 Baker County Profile

2023 Clay County Profile 

2023 Duval County Profile

2023 Flagler County Profile

2023 Nassau County Profile

2023 St John’s County Profile

2023 Volusia County Profile


We are currently implementing a new database system, which may result in delays when contacting our Elder Helpline by phone or email. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

Thank you!

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