Agency Updates

Ageism Awareness Day

As we approach National Ageism Awareness Day on October 9, conversations about ageism are becoming timelier than ever. While this year’s national elections have sparked discussions around age and cognitive abilities, the broader issue of age discrimination extends far beyond politics and into our workplaces and everyday lives…

ElderSource 2023 Impact Report

The ElderSource 2023 Impact Report takes a closer look at our successes in a new and different way from past impact reports. That’s because it’s also a celebration of our 50th anniversary! We invite you to take a look inside to learn the ways ElderSource have supported, assisted and advocated for older adults not only in 2023, but over the last five decades.

ElderSource Renames the Senior to Senior Fund

This year marks the 50th anniversary of ElderSource being established as the Area Agency on Aging and Aging and Disability Resource Center for Northeast Florida. As we recognize this milestone in our history, we thought it would be timely to rename and re-emphasize one of our important programs.

The Senior to Senior Fund was established in 2008 with a generous donation by J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver through the Community Foundation of Northeast Florida. The endowed gift provides assistance to older adults who have experienced an unexpected financial crisis that is threatening their ability to live independently. Since its inception the fund has eased the financial strain for over 1,100 older adults. The program at ElderSource took on the name Senior to Senior but has since been supplemented with funding from the Jim Moran Foundation and ElderSource’s annual fundraiser.

We are pleased to announce that as of May 1, 2024, ElderSource will be referring to this program as the EASE Program — Emergency Assistance Serving Elders. The new name reflects not only is it a crisis support fund for older adults, but ElderSource is striving to make such stressful situations easier to handle.

ElderSource 2022 Impact Report

At ElderSource, our mission is to empower people to live and age with independence and dignity in their homes and community. Our staff works diligently year-round to fulfil these goals and support those in need in the community. We’re honored to present our 2022 Impact Report, which showcases the numerous ways we’ve helped to support the community. We invite you to take a look!

A woman stands in front of a crowd of older adults and is speaking into a microphone.
A man stands in the front of a crowded room while speaking into a microphone.
A woman stands in the front of a room speaking into a microhpone.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023

Every June, ElderSource takes part in the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day observations. The purpose of “WEAAD” is to provide an opportunity to promote a better understanding of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults.

In addition to co-hosting a virtual event this year, we also hosted a special in-person event at the Mandarin Senior Center titled, “Spotting the Scam: How to Prevent and Report Elder Abuse.” Older adults had the opportunity to hear from AARP, the Consumer Protection Division at the Florida Attorney General’s Office, and Action News Jax news anchor Tenikka Hughes. Our speakers covered topics ranging from romance scams, grandparent scams, how to spot a government imposter and more. We would like to thank CBS47 FOX30 Action News Jax for covering our event!

ElderSource Stands United

I am Linda Levin, the CEO of ElderSource, a non-profit organization that provides vital resources and support for older adults, persons with disabilities and the caregivers who care for them. I am also Jewish.

As a Jew, antisemitism unfortunately is not new to me. This weekend was very upsetting. Our city was spotlighted in the national news for the very public display at TIAA stadium as well as other locations in Jacksonville where hatred against Jews was proclaimed.

In 2020 and 2021, the leadership at ElderSource spoke out against the hatred and racism towards African Americans and Asian Americans. We are now speaking out against the antisemitism that was displayed in our city. We stand united with others and speak out against all hate whether towards persons of different races, cultures, ethnicities, religions, genders, identities, ages or abilities.

As Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel said, “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

We at ElderSource are not neutral. We will not be silent against those who harass in word or deed against those who are being persecuted. To our Jewish co-workers and friends in the community, we stand with you against antisemitism and any hate to which you may be subject for when there is hate against one of us, there is hate against us all.

Linda Levin
CEO, ElderSource

ElderSource 2021 Impact Report

The 2021 ElderSource Impact Report is here for you to ready and download! Take a look at what our agency has accomplished in the last year and the success stories we’ve been able to create through our valuable services. 

ElderSource 2020 Impact Report

“Unprecedented. Unbelievable. Epic. Unforgettable. Many words have been used to describe 2020. It was certainly a year no one could have predicted. With the global pandemic, racial injustices and deep division in our society, there could not have been a better time for us to inspire unity. One thing became evident in 2020: we are all better together. It was a year where our relationships with our partner agencies and other community organizations were especially vital because the work needed to support older adults and caregivers could not have been done alone.”

Making Impact During the Pandemic


Thanks to generous grants from First Coast Relief Fund and the Jim Moran Foundation, ElderSource was able to assist seniors and caregivers during the pandemic. 

With the extra funding, ElderSource was able to partnered with Winn-Dixie Supermarkets; our sister company Elder Options; the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department; and the Crescent City Police Department to shop and deliver groceries for seniors who were not able get to the store themselves.  

ElderSource also received a donation from Humana and Farm Share to create 1,000 bags of supplies for seniors.  Aging True and ElderSource staff worked together to stuff the bags which will be delivered to seniors receiving            home-delivered meals. 

We are so very grateful to have both corporate and community support in helping to serve so many seniors and caregivers. Our staff and volunteers continue to work hard during this challenging time to serve our clients. 


We are currently implementing a new database system, which may result in delays when contacting our Elder Helpline by phone or email. We appreciate your patience during this transition.

Thank you!

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